Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Edmonia Lewis

Edmonia Lewis was a neoclassical African American and Native American sculptor. Her first rpominent work was done in Italy which makes her a woman of the black Diaspora. She lived in the mid to late 1800's and was first recognized int he 1860's and the 1870's for her work.

Her sculptures often revolved around Biblical themes or themes of freedom as well as famous American abolitionists. While most of her work is lost, she often depicted African, African American, and Native American peoples in her work.

Arguably her most famous work is the "Death of Cleopatra". Shown below.

Edmonia Lewis was the first artist to actually celebrate her racial identity. Many were shocked by her artistic achievement and this accomplishment seemed to mortify those who claimed that Black people lacked the capacity for intelligence and fine art. Many people even tried to prove that the work she had done wasn't really done by her. For her time, she broke through the barriers of Whiteness being dominant around her.

It has been reported that Lewis was a lesbian and in her generation gay and lesbian representation in the visual arts had just begun to emerge. Artists that were homosexual existed all along, but prior to the late twentieth century, they were not as apparent and their work did not display their sexuality. This is probably because a great deal of homophobia was still around and homo-eroticism that may occur from knowing that Lewis was a lesbian. Her work may have not been appreciated the same.

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